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ShareExpression Of Interest To Tryout For the 1999 Prospects Spring Development Team
An exciting opportunity for the highest performing 99 born hockey players in Atlantic Canada!Tyler Naugler, President of the Halifax Hockey Group and the Nova Scotia Prospects Spring Development Teams, is accepting Expressions of Interest for the possibility to tryout for the 1999 Prospects Spring Development Team.
The tryout session will be at Saint Mary's University Alumni Arena from 2:00-3:30 pm on both December 19 and December 20. The cost will be $50 for the tryout sessions. Checks payable to "Halifax Hockey Group." Go to
www.halifaxhockeygroup.com and look under High Performance Programs to register.
1999 aged players, who are interested in being considered to tryout for the 1999 Prospects, will need to complete a registration form. Only those selected to attend the tryout session will be issued an invitation.
By December 16, invitations will be sent to those selected to attend the tryout session, which is on December 19 & 20 at St. Mary's University.
We will be inviting 4 goaltenders, 12 defensemen and 18 forwards to attend the tryout session on December 19 & 20.
The 2012 Prospects Spring Development Program for 1999 born players will consist of the following components:
*21 hours of development with a professional coaching staff (opportunity for the team to purchase additional hours for development)
*Specialized goaltender instruction at each session with a professional goaltender instructor
* Tournaments within the Atlantic Hockey Group series of tournaments (Moncton, Halifax)
*Montreal Meltdown Super AAA Tournament
*Teams will carry 9 forwards - 6 defense and 2 goalies, and up to 6 development positions (3 forwards, 2 defense and 1 goalie)
*Game Socks
*Practice jersey
*Comprehensive off-ice training program
*Full insurance coverage including dental
*Fund Raising Program available to each participant
Cost of the program will be $850 (hst included)
Additional cost items:
*Prospects Home and Away game jerseys for those requiring new jersey
*Additional practice time is available to each team manager to coordinate with their group
*Due to the partnership developed with the Atlantic Hockey Group, the top players per age group will also be recommended to take part in the AHG's Atlantic Selects Program, for a tournament in August.
* HHG will also be running a summer team development program as an extension of the spring program, with NSP players having the first right of refusal.